UI Design


UI Design

Understanding UI Design and how it ties in with UX Design

  1. High Fidelity prototypes 
  2. UI Design reviews 
  3. Iterate based on user feedback
  4. Final design sign off (Working with Developers)
  5. Exporting to Zeplin (Overview)
  1. Sketch overview
  2. Homepage High fidelity prototype
  3. Icons
  4. Drop shadow 
  5. Fonts, Typography, Dimensions
  6. Sub titles and spacing
  7. Web standards
  8. Engaging Horizontal dividers
  9. Banner Ads
  10. Improve your UI Design skills
  1. Portfolio Tips and Inspiration 
  2. Thumbnail Design Tips
  3. Secrets and Tips to Enhance your portfolio 
  4. Portfolio - PDF vs Website
  5. Portfolio best practices

50% Complete

Two Step

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