Change Management

Change Management

Change management is a collective term for all approaches involved in preparing and supporting individuals, teams, and organisations whilst dealing with organisational change. IT is the predominant delivery agent for business change.

Change is constant in many of our lives. All around us, technologies, processes, people, ideas, and methods often change, affecting the way we perform daily tasks and live our lives. Experiencing a smooth transition when change occurs is essential in any situation.

Change can greatly impact upon any organisation, and it is important to be able to handle it before, during and after it occurs. The ability to effectively lead organisational change is a competitive differentiator. Those that implement change better, faster and smarter will ensure better outcomes.

Every organisation will go through change as the needs and the nature of the business evolve. It is essential that this change is managed effectively to ensure that the organisation and the individuals that it contains are able to cope during and after the change. This is done by utilising a set of techniques and approaches that support both the organisation and its staff as the organisation moves from one state to the other.

At BroadWise, we explore how change affects, and is affected by, individuals, teams, organizations and change leaders. The underlying training here at BroadWise is designed to equip individuals with the knowledge and practical applications to:

  • Unlock resistance to change
  • Provide effective support and motivation to individuals and teams to embrace change
  • Draw from a range of professional approaches to implement change smoothly and effectively
  • Manage and inform key stakeholders throughout the change process
  • Apply appropriate process frameworks to optimally plan and understand organisational change
  • Utilise a range of organisation paradigms with which to understand, support and sustain organisational change processes
  • Properly prepare for an organisational change initiative - such as building an effective change team and offering insights which enhance the team's performance
  • Prepare people for organisational change
  • Be motivational in ways that are empathetic towards peoples' roles and personalities
  • Establish a clear framework of roles, skills and activities through which leaders can support and sustain the change process.
  • Use the organisational maturity model: Is my organisation ready for embracing change?
  • Use the organisational maturity model: Is my team ready for embracing change?

Change management can be extremely helpful if your employer is experiencing change or going through a transition.

The training here at BroadWise increases employment opportunities and attracts improved salaries and rewards, helping you to gain the skills and knowledge needed to apply change techniques. It will ensure that you can fully support your organisation during change.

You will be able to experience BroadWise from your own home, learning remotely and collaboratively whilst working on a live project with your colleagues. The training and experience on the platform will ensure your involvement in organisational change so that you are ready for it when it comes - embracing it rather than fearing it.


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