Software Testing

Proper testing throughout a software development cycle helps to prevent errors in the product that could cost an organisation time, money and users.  The role of a software tester is to identify, fix and prevent software quality issues through a custom mix of manual testing, test automation, performance testing, security testing, functional testing, compatibility testing, and continuous integration.

At BroadWise, you will gain sufficient experience to become a software testing specialist, trained to detect potential problem areas in software, improving the user experience and reducing the need for maintenance and support for organisations.

By joining a project team on the platform, you will be able to work on the end-to-end development process to develop a testing protocol, oversee the progress of the project, and implement QA testing at key points. You will also be defining the phases during which testing will occur on a project, and overseeing each one. The experience you will gain on the platform will help ensure efficient performance and high-quality project implementation for the world’s largest enterprises, helping to deliver solid software on time whilst ensuring that it meets the demands of their users and is free of potentially costly bugs.


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