Data and Analytics

Data and Analytics

Data and analytics are fast becoming the lifeblood of IT. Big data, machine learning, deep learning, data science - the range of technologies and techniques for analysing vast volumes of data is expanding at a rapid pace. This provides deep insights into customer behaviour, systems performance, and new revenue opportunities. We are living in the midst of an information revolution. Driven by networked communication systems and the internet, it has created a surplus of a valuable new material called data, and it has transformed us all into both consumers and producers. Data is generated everywhere, all the time, and in a huge variety of ways. Insights from data can radically change a company's fortunes. At BroadWise, you will learn where this data is coming from and why data is a concern for companies such as Facebook and Google. These web companies are the forerunners. Driven by social, mobile, and cloud technology, there is an important transition taking place, leading us all to the data-enabled world that these companies inhabit today. Analytics, in the broadest sense, applies to all technology-enabled problem-solving activities. Experts generally divide analytics into four categories along a continuum, with descriptive analytics and diagnostic analytics on the least mature part of the curve and predictive analytics and prescriptive analytics on the higher part. At BroadWise, we dive headlong into data. We search for the wisdom beneath its surface. We explore features, patterns, and relationships in data to find stories and produce insights, which improve our understanding of the world. Data is changing the world. We analyse data and we develop models where we look at the important attributes that drive sales. Join the field and develop up-to-date digital skills for your career with a variety of data and analytics trainings on the platform. Advance your career with our data and analytics training. Experience BroadWise from your own home by learning remotely and working collaboratively on a live project with your colleagues.


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